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Re: Sorry for my ignorance, but...

On Tue, 26 Jul 1994, Bob Cappel wrote:

> Before the discussion progresses any further, could someone please explain
> exactly what a Firewall is?

A firewall is the context of the discussion on this list is a layer that
sits between a system and the rest of the internet. It allows certain
information to go in/out and prevents others. E.g., a firewall pay force
all telnet requests to go through a certain logging system which actually
tests the origin of the request. It may not allow any telnet or ftp in
except from certain machines.... The firewall may run on a seperate box or
on the 'protected system'...

   (o o)
           |  Joseph (Yosi) Steinberg       |       steinber@slinky.cs.nyu.edu
  Shalom   |  972 Farragut Drive            |  jstein@jerusalem1.datasrv.co.il
 U'Vracha! |  Teaneck, NJ 07666-6614        |               jsteinb@yu1.yu.edu
           |  United States of America      |       Tel: +1-201-833-YOSI(9674)
